genesistorevelation316 #fundie

Lordship salvation is a heresy!!!

Many people say they will get to Heaven by their good works. They think God will forgive them if they do good works. Let’s try that in court.

Judge: “I find you guilty of speeding at 62 MPH in a 30 MPH zone. Do you have anything to say?”

Criminal: “Well, I admit I sped and I’m very sorry. However, I’m a very good person. I help old ladies across the street, I give to the homeless, I never steal things. Could you just, well, let me go?”

Judge: “Justice must be served. Guilty!”

That’s the same with God. He is perfect and Holy. Justice must be served.

So, since we have all broken God’s Law (Romans 3:23), we all deserve God’s punishment- a place called Hell.

However, God, in His mercy, sent a Saviour, Jesus Christ, to die on the Cross for everyone.

Back at the court:

Someone walks in- a man the criminal doesn’t even know. He pays the £200 fine.

Judge: “I was going to sentence you. However, someone has paid your fine, so now you can go free!”

This is what Jesus did.

He died for guilty sinners. He took the punishment we all deserved onto Him.

Now our sins can be forgiven if we just put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, no good works required.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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