WorldGoneCrazy #homophobia

You are missing the point here: your argument was that because SCOTUS had ruled that same-sex marriage is legal, that we should just get over it and not fight anymore. My reply was regarding how awful that would have been for black people if abolitionists had just rolled over following the heinous Dred Scott decision and said "OK, we must just get over it and not fight anymore." Do you see?

"In same-sex marriage, there is no punished/damaged party"

The individuals themselves are damaged - diapers at 30, AIDS at 45, etc, plus tons of psychological afflictions. Children who get adopted by gay "couples" are damaged AND treated as show piece pawns, and, of course, society is damaged with respect to religious freedoms. Here is an overview supporting my assertions - using secular data:

"No one "escapes" the homosexual "lifestyle"

That is easy to refute - Joe Dallas is one example amongst many:



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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