averagetohot & rainisthelife #sexist reddit.com

How to Never EVER Pay on a Date

Hi ladies.

This sub is in unanimous agreement that as women, we should never EVER have to pay on a date, and we should let the man take on that role. I've been dating for 4-5 years now pretty consistently, and I've had plenty of free meals and drinks since then.

Choose the Right Target
I'm a Becky (6-7) in my early-20s and I can get guys my age (25-28) who are my looksmatch to buy me free drinks and meals pretty consistently on dates at mid-high-end places. If I want to experience fine dining (a bill that costs like $200+), I date older men (30+) because they can afford it. I can pretty much get free meals every day if I wanted to and if I schedule correctly.

You need to choose men who have a good white collar jobs or they have their own business. I typically date men in the tech or finance field. They have the income to spend money on a date compared to a man who doesn't make much.


What If He Still Asks You to Pay?
The question remains though: how do you avoid paying if the man you're going out with asks you to split the bill? If you ever hear this from a man, I don't care how many dates you've been on, if it's the first or fifth date, simply tell him that you'll take care of the bill the next time you go out since you prefer taking turns since that's more romantic. Don't appear bitter. Smile as you say this and act feminine! Be sweet, confident, and show him that you desire him nonverbally. 99% of men won't insist that you pay the bill during that time.

Of course, there won't be another date. Delete him from the dating app and block his number. You don't need to say anything more to them. Don't feel guilty about blocking a cheap man. Just remember that men don't feel guilty about using women and playing with their emotions. It's only fair that we reserve the right to block cheap men who won't add value to our lives.

Don't Be Deceived by His Looks. He Should Still Pay.
It's easy to be confident in making a man who's below your league to pay for the bill every time you go out. But if you encounter a man who you find sexy and hot, you might be tempted to split the bill because you don't want to lose him or because you think that you're privileged to date such a hot guy. Stop. You might only think that the guy is above your league when he IS in your league and you're attractive too. (This is the case with me since I grew up as a plain Jane.) AND even if he's above your league, you still don't pay, comprende? You follow the advice I've give to you. He's a man and it's his role to be a provider. You have no business dating a man who dares to ask you to split the bill -- I don't care how hot he is or how good he makes you feel. Women need to date men who add something to their lives. I've dated a few guys who are above my league but they still didn't make me pay because they enjoyed being with me and it added value to their lives.

So Go Forth and Date...
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them below!

rainisthelife: Damn this post is fucking stellar 💯💯

And the number of triggered men crying about it makes it even sweeter. Keep telling the truth queen. Men are useless if they don’t have money.



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