
Walter Ballard #fundie hs.facebook.com

This isn't new. The Vatican under the Black Pope's directive has done this before. Implant people who claim to be "evangelical Christians" all to give true Bible-believing Christians a bad name..and some true Christians have actually been killed over that..

Aaron Brown #fundie hs.facebook.com

Degrading how?
Nonmarital bestiality..Nonmarital homosexuality..Nonmarital heterosexuality..
ALL are perversion.
The only sexual relationships that humans are supposed to have are between a man and a woman. They spend their entire life together.

[In the US we tolerate other viewpoints. We're allowed to disagree and live our lives differently.]

Tolerate enforcement of the truth.

Joshua Albin #fundie hs.facebook.com

[Also, I can assure that I am well versed in the text of the bible and Christian dogma. I did not become an atheist because of ignorance of Christian doctrines.]

you mean that you are a christian, well that is good.

Spencer Roberts #fundie hs.facebook.com

yes! liberalism IS A mental disorder!!! i don't know why people don't see this. i mean, why don't we get the eugenics movement going on again. you know, sterilize them just like the tards and the gays!! that way none of them will ever reproduce and infect our beautiful country again. and listen, we need to pull back suffrage. women have WAYYY too many rights today. i mean, NANCY PELOSI????? who the f*** let that one happen?!?! i live in portland and it's a sespool of liberals. i can't wait until michael savage comes in with an AK and starts blowing all them fags' heads off. go republicans!!

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