various commenters #transphobia #wingnut

RE: Cis And Cisgender Now Considered Slurs On Twitter By Decree Of Elon Musk HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED!

( @ezg8448 )
"Cis" was originally meant to be a derogatory term towards straight people.

It isn't a mere coincidence that "cis" and "sissy" are similar sounding.

( @WicKeDSN00PY )
"Don't be so insecure!"- All the weirdos that won't answer to their birth names as those people have "died"...

( @Deverud )
@WicKeDSN00PY or get a hissy fit if you don't use their they/them/ze/zer/apple pronouns

( @darekbaird )
The way ppl use cis it is, in fact, a slur.

( @MFC343 )
when the left say "free speech" i dont care, it's like caring about a bully getting a punch.

( @ezemdianosike5277 )
they are the enemy, their "rights" should be trampled at every turn, including their speech rights

( @iemzaf )
It definitely is a slur. It's so that they can avoid calling normal people what they are; "normal"

( @Brenhydra )
On the one hand, this is pretty silly just on the face of it. On the other I have rarely seen people use "cis" and "cisgender" in a way that wasn't demeaning or derogatory, so maybe Elon has a point here.

( @strongback6550 )
It is definitely a slur at worst and at most generous it's misgendering, which in turn means that by Twitter's own rules it should have been a bannable offense for a while.
Of course the left will get furious as they don't see it that way. Their perspective is that they get to define whether or not it's offensive when they use the language, meanwhile this same standard will never be applied to anyone else.

( @harambe4267 )
Yeah, there's no reciprocity.
You're only allowed to describe me in terms I agree with, I'm allowed to describe you in any way I please, and if you're offended that's a you problem, I'm using the approved language to bully the approved targets after all.

( @LordEverlost )
This is good. I'm straight, not "cis gender" nice to see Elon stand up on this bizarre issue.

( @cronoschild )
Wait a we say that...cisgender is a slur, an "heterophobic" word? a word used by people who dislikes or have perjudice against heterosexual people? Edit: Also cisgender is an heterophobic slur, because the ones who uses it dislike or have perjudice against 2 sexes, making them misandrist and mysoginists at the same time.



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