
Unknown Granville County man #fundie wral.com

FRANKLINTON, N.C. — A sign in a Granville County yard urging people to "kill liberals" is the latest in a string of fiery political messages posted by the homeowner, according to people in the area, who say they mostly ignore the rhetoric and the man behind it.

The sign, at the corner of Bruce Garner Road and Pocomoke Drive 2 in the southeast corner of the county reads "Civil War 'Now' Kill Liberals." The man who posted it wasn't home Wednesday when a WRAL News crew stopped by.

"This is quite offensive, and before the election, he had other offensive signs, too," said Ravinder Bindra, who runs a country store about a quarter-mile away on Bruce Garner Road. "I don’t pay, most of the time, any attention."

Bindra said the sign's owner stops by his store almost daily, but the Sikh immigrant from India said the man never bothers him.

"He has not been any trouble to me so far," he said. "I don’t know what his name is. See, nobody cares about him."

Bindra said the signs don't signal local sentiment.

"(If it) was of a majority of the people, then I’d be worried, but a single person like him, I’m not worried about any mishappening or anything," he said.

John Violette #fundie wral.com

Clayton Police believe John Violette fled to Washington, D.C., after killing his daughter at their Clayton home Friday. Authorities will travel to the nation's capital Wednesday to pick him up and return him to Johnston County.

U.S. Marshals said Violette quoted the bible and screamed uncontrollably when they arrested him. The 37-year-old Clayton resident is charged with the slaying of his 4-year-old daughter, Katlin.

Violette's wife found the couple's daughter. Authorities said the child's head had been severed from her body.

One Good Dad #fundie wral.com

(Regarding a man getting a sex change operation)

This story is pitiful. God will certainly have the final say so about these people in the end. People doing sex changes like this are just in it for attention. They will get their attention for a little while, then God will have his say so about. I can promise you that it will not be in this "man's" favor.

TruthBKnown #fundie wral.com

evilelvi1, I think you just agreed with really my main point from the beginning... that atheism is a belief system in something that is equally far-fetched as belief in God. To a lot of atheists, it is not a belief system. They have simply discarded God and believe in evolution because they have to. (Without God, evolution MUST be true. How else can the world be explained?)

I don't know everything, and the dinosaur thing is a good example of something I can't explain. Sometimes I wonder why the God I believe in would put us in a world where there are alternative equally-viable theories to our existence. But then it hit me one day that without them, we couldn't truly have free will. If scientific method led us to God and nothing else, well there would be no faith, no free will. We would pretty much HAVE to believe in God. At that point it is no longer belief, but proof.

caseylynne83 #fundie wral.com

I hate to break it to BOTH of you .... but the U.S.A WAS built on Christianity! I would love for you to show me how it wasn't when our money, monuments, and Declaration of Independance was all clearly created and written under GOD! Our entire history is built on Christianity! Swearing in on a Bible in court??? I mean really ... it's all around us! The US has become a melting pot of all religions .... HOWEVER .... let's get a bunch of Americans together and go overseas somewhere and DEMAND that they remove all of their religious material from all government things b/c we're offended by them! HA! What a joke ... that would NEVER happen!

[Caseylynne - I hate to break it to you, but "under god wasn't added to the pledge until 1954, "in god we trust" wasn't accepted as a national motto until 1956, and was first printed on U.S. currency during the Civil War... so much for being founded on christian principles]

Ok ... so the Constitution, and the first 10 amendments don't contain the word God .... doesn't mean anything! The Declaration of Independence, AND ALL our money has the word God in it .... not to mention our Pledge of Alligence! So i think that makes your argument invalid as well!

Original Intent #fundie wral.com

(Regarding a local preacher who gave alcohol to a 16 year old girl in his congregation then had sex with her 3 times)

Jesus himself said to "beware of wolves in sheeps clothing, and that many will come in MY name,but do not know me".....and we can probably lay a lot the blame on secular humanism working it's way thru society!!

MrsFabulous1 #fundie wral.com

LORD! When will this fade of "I'm gay" end? I remember when you NEVER mentioned you were gay or had anything to do with it. Now everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. It is a spirit that is attaching itself to our young people. Yes I said it. It is a spirit. Just like there is a spirit of wife killing going on lately. A spirit of robbery too because it has gotten increasingly worse. Someone needs to get mental help for the people that are proclaiming to be gay. I remember when you said you were gay they sent you to a counselor. Saying that you were born gay is declaring that God make a mistake with your sexuality. How can a gay person be fruitful and multiply? God did not mean for a man to be with a man or a woman to be with a woman. He destroyed a city for such mess. Oh my heart aches for people like this. Lord help them.

Steve Crisp #fundie wral.com

(On local churches paying $700,000 to host CA evangelical entertainer Greg Laurie in Raleigh, NC):

A lot of people could have been fed and homeless people sheltered for $700K. But when that money ran out, those same folks would still be hungry and homeless. Greg Laurie, in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ is giving people who accept it the ability to feed their souls and house their eternity. And that is worth all the money in the world.

trueamerican #fundie wral.com

(On a possible Clinton-Obama democratic ticket)

Single worst thing that could ever happen to this country. We are in the war that Bill refused to take ANY kind of preventive measure on. Isee this country getting away from christianity and heading towards muslim. All our founding fathers worked so hard for is just about all gone. Its never too late to turn back.

crystalswisher #fundie wral.com

Yes they are insane, especially in Mass! Marriage means nothing anymore - and these folks make a sickening mockery of the institution. Sex was meant 1) for procreation and 2) for enjoyment within the bonds of marriage - for a man and a woman - not men with men, men with beast or woman with whatever - it's demented, it's perverted and goes against every law of nature. It serves no purpose except to pacify folks who have been rejected by the opposite sex. What the world is wrong with people in this world - pure evil and downright perversion - I don't care how the liberal whackos sugar-coat it - it's sickening to me and all these smerky-faced folks WILL have to answer for their twisted behavior one day - believe you me! And YES, that's MY opinion.

DeathRow-IFeelYourPain-NOT #fundie wral.com

OK, I'm assuming that means any gay or lesbian couple, from any state, can take a trip to MA and get married while they are there. But do they understand that as soon as they leave MA, and return home, everything goes back to the way it was before the trip? This needs to be nationally publicised. Then, maybe most of the gay and lesbian couples will move to MA so they can remain married. Sounds great to me! Helps us "get rid" of another unwanted element and dump it all in Massachusetts. And we didn't have to do anything to make it happen. MA did it all for us. Thanks Patriot Patsy State.

Mr. French #fundie wral.com

Hate to rain on anyone's parade, but the United States Constitution does NOT say anything about all men being created equal. That's the Declaration of Independence, which has absolutely not legal bearing in this country, i. e., it is NOT the law, but a statement of why we rebelled against England.

Gay people are not discriminated against. They can marry just like everyone else. They just have to marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else. There has to be lines drawn. Otherwise, what's to keep insestuous or polygamous relationships from being sanctioned as well? Many Muslims around the world have more than one wife. Do we allow that here in the US as well as gay marriage?

mep #fundie wral.com

The trouble with steering away from the abstinance only program, is that its replacement program is filled with flawed and wreckless information. The replacement programs actually promotes sexual activity, falsly claiming how healthy it is, and how condoms are totally safe. But dont worry, they teach your child how to use a condom, and make them available as well. The program also outlines "alternate" sexual activities in detail, including homosexuality. Despite many so-called statistical studies showing that abstinance programs dont work, the truth is they do. But just like every other form of education, it needs to be backed by parents involvement. We have to be brave enough to have the tough conversations with our children regarding sex, and NOT leave it up to the politicians, condom makers, and profiting from abortion groups such as Planned Parenthood. Let parents decide what else to teach their children, and let abstinance be the policy for our public schools.

djofraleigh #fundie wral.com

(Regarding an elementary school teacher's sex change operation over the summer)

A teacher is a role model, and should be, so someone having such an identity crisis that requires sex change operations, etc. wouldn't be a teacher I would want for my children.

Since it is a private school, I'd expect the school to not use the teacher, or lose my business. Public schools should get the best, most balanced people they can, so this shouldn't come up, and if it does, should let the teacher go. Contracts should include such controversial possibilities with a general clause. Since sex change operations are actually cosmetic, and don't truly change the sex of the person, it isn't sexual discrimination. The person with the identity crisis having the operation is surely being sexually discriminatory to the Nth degree.

gembearer #fundie wral.com

Welcome to anarchy! Lets just dump all the rules then! Lets burn the library of congress (all libraries),the smithsonians (all museums), use the declaration for toilet paper and kill all the religious people. Then you won't have to deal with us anymore. Thats what it will take if you think your rights supercede our rights to have a faith. The atheists/agnostics believe that they can kill religion. If they suceed that there will be nirvana on earth. Oh brother- who is selling that line of bull, and would any of you be interested in buying a great used car? The anarchists will be very busy killing the "nirvana" people as they whine themselves to the graveyard. Oh wait a minute- no graveyards- just rotting on the open ground. Anarchists don't believe in God either.

aquamarine #fundie wral.com

[Regarding Southern Baptists finally coming around to recognize global warming and what they need to do about it]

Since I'm Baptist, wouldn't the large membership of the Southern Baptist Convention be better served by fighting those who are trying to degrade and do away with Christianity, the use of God in public places, Prayer in every location except the churches, etc, etc, etc.? Instead of taking up a cause considered nonexistant to many, do something that would really make a difference in the world.

wondermom_67 #fundie wral.com

We need a freedom for religion....I am so tired of having to comform to what minorties want. We all know that there are far more CHRISTIANS in the US, than athiest....Why do we sit by and allow them to shove their non beliefs down our throats. It has always been a Majority rule in this country....and we CHRISTIANS are the majority. We are going to have to take a stand against such groups.

lovebassethounds #fundie wral.com

It is ironic to me that the atheists want freedom from religion when atheism IS a religion. You have to BELIEVE that there is no God, since they cannot prove conclusively that there is no God. They have FAITH in man - their own ability to determine whether or not there is a God - so much faith, in fact, that they are willing to stake their eternal souls, as well as the souls of their children, family, friends, and whomever else they influence away from God, on their own ability to think they know EVERYTHING in the universe. I know I don't know everything, that's why I would rather put my faith in an awesome, holy God than in flawed, fallible, imperfect man. BTW, No Quarter, Darwin, a flawed, fallible, imperfect man, believed that there were "Favoured Races" - the light skinned ones - which had evolved further away from dark-skinned apes - and the Hitler's Nazi slaughter of the Jews was based on the principles of evolution, as was Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge, and Joseph Stalin's regime.

One Good Dad #fundie wral.com

(In response to an article about an Army soldier knowingly infecting a teenager with HIV)

It is a plague from God. I believe that God has allowed AIDS and HIV to consume this country because of Homosexual behavior. Just look around at all of the sexual immoral behavior going on in this country. From the young to the older. God is allowing this plague to take it's course.

Capital Punishment Stops Crime #fundie wral.com

I would be willing to bet that alot of people would not be as irritated at gay marriage of the gays would just stop forcing down our throats all the time. Live your life how you want, just keep it private. If you smear it all over the media, then people will get upset about it. Stop trying to force the majority to accept your way of life. I personally feel that homosexual relations is wrong and is not the way nature intended since it does nothing to sustain the species. However, I feel that people should be able to do what makes them happy as long as it does not affect anyone else. It really aggravates me to keep hearing about how gays are demanding the same rights and benefits as heterosexual couples. Those rights and benefits are in place because the heterosexual family structure is a key necessity of the human race. If you choose to live outside that scructure, fine, just don't expect the rest of us to give in to your demands or accept your way of life.

Navy Vet #fundie wral.com

It’s truly disturbing that the liberals have established Global Warming as a religion (with the Goreacle as its highpriest), and now Obama as their messiah.

This is what happens when you are godless hippies.